30 November 2009

FanGirl Syndrome (Everyone is beautiful in anime)

Think of a world where everyone is beautiful, where people go on adventures we could only dream of. Who go through thick and thin with their friends and fight evil, with their super powers. Where any story can come to life.

Well I am now welcoming you into the beautiful world of amine. Where I am quite frankly jealous of the characters in the story, because everyone is beautiful in anime. How can it be my fault that I keep falling in love with the characters on screen… there just so damm beautiful.

Takefor instance : Edward Elric, Inuyasha, Bankostu, Howl, Haku, Elliot, gaara, itachi, Shikamaru…. Okay so you get the picture. But really it is not fair. It is kind of like a disease which Is so kindly known as *Fan girl syndrome*
There are many symptoms on fan girl syndrome (think you might have it, these will help you decide if you do.)

1. You watch a lot of anime/cartoons
2. You say that particular character is 'awesome'
3. You look for pictures of them on the internet.
4. You sigh when they come on screen.
5. You must have the all of the DVDS.
6. You take quizzes about the show on facebook.
7. You rig the quiz so you get them or the 'girlfriend' of your character.
8. You create a character of your own, and strategically place them into the storyline.
9. You dream about them.
10. You stick pictures of them into your books and diaries.

11. You write about them in you diary or blog.
12. You write fan fiction stories about them.
13. You get really angry when someone says the show sucks.
14. You get really defensive when someone calls your character ugly.
15. You would kill or die for them.
16. You wish they were real.
17. You cry about them saying 'why aren't you real.'

Don't worry if you have most or even all of these symptoms because I have them two. And don't worry my friend holly and I are currently inventing a machine that will fix all our problems.

And don't worry…I know that everyone is beautiful in anime.

Do You Get Me?

Do you get me?
Do you know me?
Do you know who i am or what i feel inside?
Do you understand me?

Well the answer to that for most people is no. becasue truthfully you don't know me, and somtimes i don't even know myself, all people know, and see of me is what i want them to see. but it is not fully me.

People always wear masks, to Conceal themselves from others, because the real world is hard it is tuff, it is the nightmare the horror story we don't want to live through, the one where the murderer is your own reflection, you…the one person, besides god, that you can't escape from. The one that controls you. It is not like our fables stories and fairytales where good triumphs over evil, in the real world evil reins supreme.
So when people say, I know you, or I know who you are. They are lying. Because they cannot change who I am and they cannot know that I fell like the world is closing in around me and I have to escape, or that I cry over all those people that aren't real.

Tears flowing,

Lonely tears,

Nobody gets me

Nobody cares

People try to understand but the fail,

And the ones I relate to just aren't real.

They don't know me at all. But know you do. And this blog will help you know me…if you can keep up.