04 March 2010



this is starting to annoy me....but don't worry it has nothing to do with you guys.
It's just that lately I haven't being having any dreams....or dreams where I can only remember patches and then when I get up they disappear....
But is really annoying me.

Because I love to dream.

The dream I have are like stories.

sometimes when I try and explain my dreams I just want to be able to plug a chord into my head so you can watch me dreams like a T.V show....Wouldn't that be cool. :)

But no I can't do that :( and when I try to explain them out loud they sound stupid...so usually I write them down like a story.

so everyone can read them....and so I can remember them...gezzz I still remember a dream I had 3 years ago...a dream that I called Millenniums cruse. but that is definitely a different story.

but lately I haven't had any dreams I could remember...and it kind of saddens me.... I no that sounds lame....but I want to dream.

well that the end of my rant...and you never know maybe I will dream tonight. :)

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