Night of the 3rd of December 2009
It started off with me and a group of random people (in some big trip) travelling on a chairlift or chair swing ( whatever you want to call it), through a weird world that kept changing.

First we travelled through a city like Brisbane or something, then it was s forest that was very green, and the trees went so high, next we were travelling up a mountain and about half way up the mountain there was a café. The next part I can't really remember, but then all of a sudden we were in the city again, but in a bus this time, and I looked behind me to see Wrath and Envy (from Fullmetal alchemist) standing on a bridge behind me and giving me evil looks. I turned back around and suddenly we were in the chair lift again, but we had (like a scary theme park ride) turned into a dead end, where Wrath and Envy were standing waiting for me. They said something, I don't remember what. And then they were chasing me, like they wanted to kill me. Then the chair lift backed and picked up speed and we zoomed into the forest world. it was quiet there, and I relaxed then I heard wraths screaming, and Envy's laughter. Then they were chasing us again and the giant trees of the forest started to snap and fall around me. ME! Yes it was just me now in this chair lift, screaming for my life. Then the worlds changed again and the chair lift was charging up the mountain, it stopped at the café and I was thrown out, and I was now dressed in cool fighting clothes with a Dagger in my hand. The next thing I knew Wrath jumped on me (Envy had disappeared) and stabbed me in the stomach with a pen, (I know a pen…???) and I felt my stomach tense with pain(in real life),then he drew up the pen with my blood on it and stabbed me again. He drew it up again and aimed for my heart, but I fought and blocked him…...
And that’s all I can remember, I think I just woke up after that, and walked outside and saw it was 5:30am so I went back to sleep and then woke up again at 8:00 am.
…this is my dream journal…I will post any interesting Dreams I have and Can remember on here…
But now I will list all the dreams you've missed… and since I name all my dreams.. this one was called
• The Wrath of many worlds
• Blue Night Child ( or as most people now it the werewolf dream)
• Those who see
• Broken glass
• The grey town
• The Blank eyed woman
• You're a vampire
• Phoenix
• Etc….there are so many more…. And if you would like a short description of one of these just ask…
the pictures below are of Wrath and Envy... to the left is Wrath and to the right is Envy.

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