The carpet felt soft beneath my feet as I sat on the floor of my room, my notebook sitting in my hands, the pen scribbling what I didn't feel like saying out loud. I sat, staring out the at the wet ground and water droplets shimmering in the soft light as they hung from the fences and leaves. I sat in complete quiet, blocking out the sounds that echoed down my hall. No sound came out of my mouth as I kept it wedged shut. Not even the fan spun. There was no sound. The door was shut. The lights were off, and I sat in front of the open curtains the only place where the gloomy light of 6:45pm was allowed in.
I had woken today with high and happy spirits, as a golden sun beat down from a blue sky, but that was interrupted, as the rains came.
On top of my cousins mountain where I had spent the night, the lighting and thunder was loud and bright, and I continued to smile and laugh, but there was a looming, fading, feeling.
Then as the rain stopped and my parents came to take me home, and as I said my goodbyes to my cousins, that fading feeling became larger, and that small looming hole became a deep pit.
I sat in the car watching the remaining water drops race down the window. IPod earphones shoved in my ears. Ignoring the laughter from the back seat. Hoping that any moment my sprits would lift. But yet I found myself driving home under that gloomy overcast sky.
So now I lay on my floor, the little light have slowly failing. Would I turn on the lights? No. I just kept writing, feeling sad and down for absolutely no reason. Searching for something in that dull grey sky. I wondered why I felt cold, why I felt like the monster were creeping up behind me, when even the wet ground outside, was warm.
Now I just want day to fade away, so I can find that moon lit sky….
I'm not sad. Emo. Upset. Depressed. Or lost. I'm just a little overcast.
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