17 February 2010

Quietly…ever so quietly.

Lately I haven't blogged much. I would occasionally stare at the blogger home page, debating with myself whether it was worth it to type in my password or not.

And eventually I did.

Life has been odd. Lately. Yes odd. It has had its ups and down, its lefts and rights, its ins and outs, sometimes it left me feeling sad. Sometimes happy. Sometimes I wanted to scream..or to run. But then life gives me things that make me feel like I am standing on mount Everest…not feeling the cold.

The band (insert original name here), is sounding so Good right now…well technically it sounded so good..last Sunday, when we were all together, singing Kiss me, flightless bird American mouth, anyone else but you and so on. All our voices fit together…and we love to sing and play guitars (well for the people that actually play them) and we have fun doing it.

Music camp this weekend…I am half looking forward to it..and half dreading it…and I don't really know why.

Well I will end my pathetic post with a pathetic poem I wrote.

~ listen to the words I say,

Floating by on the wind,

Watching us under the dreary grey.

Quietly, ever so quietly,

They whisper in your ears,

Things I have wanted to say to you,

For many many years.

For quietly, ever so quietly,

I still hope for that day,

When you will find yourself

walking my way.

No more tears will I shed for you,

No more pain,

Because I hope still,

That there is much to gain.~

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