I ran along the path, the rundown mansion in front of me, shining through the dark sky. I didn't who or what I was running from I just had to run.
Have I been here before? I thought I had, but it was soon shaken from me, as I was picked up by someone with inhuman speed he turned me too him and I saw his face.
Do I know him? No I don't know him I had never seen him before in my life. Suddenly like a dream I looked up and there was no longer any mansion, but the dead end of an alley way. I turned but not quick enough and was struck by this force, this person. I felt the pain and was about to be stuck and again when a person appeared in front of me his arms outstretched blocking the force from reaching me, soon other joined him, and the force was driven back disappearing into the darkness. Then the original person tuned and looked down to me, his bright eyes shining through the darkness.

"Ally. Are you okay?"
Ally…was that my name. I thought, now taking his hand.
It must be because he had said it. He helped me up, then I pulled my hand away.
Because he said it?! I don't even know who he is. I looked around at all the faces staring at me, then the boy nodded to the person next to him and my world went black…
I woke, looked at where I saw and sighed. It had been three weeks since Blake and the others had found me, and brought me to that mansion. The girl next to me got up and smiled, "I wonder what pain staking thing we will have to do today." The girl, Holly had become my best friend since I had come here, and she too felt like this world was not her own, it seemed to perfect, to wonderful, to beautiful.
We walked out onto the destroyed courtyard chunks of rubble and plants lay everywhere across this ground. I looked around at the place which once would have been a magnificent place, now, the only safe place for us to hide. I looked around at the group I had become a part of it consisted of six members, there was the leader Blake, Sasha, Alexis the snobby rich girl who thought she had claimed Blake as her own, Aaron who had some strange disease, and holly and myself. I walked over to Blake as there was a concerned look on his face, and he told everyone something we didn't want to heard.
"they are coming…" everyone gasped, as he pointed to Aaron who had started to fade, with his disease, a disease where, whenever he was about to be taken over by the saros, then her would disappear. "don't worry I have a plan…."
We spent most of the day listening to what he had to say, and soon the plan was put into action, we had to climb up to the top of the mansion, to a place where we would get ready for an attack. Where we would set up a trap, for that person and his soldiers. And so I stood at the bottom of the net that had been made by the fallen wires, pipes and rubble from when the first attack had occurred. I watched as my friends climbed up the net with skilled and speed. I sigh and started to climb, but I was now where as good as they all were and soon my fear had gotten the best of me and I started to shake, then my foot slipped, but instead of screaming and getting all embarrassed I just gripped the net as hard as I could and started to shake frozen in fear. The suddenly someone appeared beside me, it was Blake. He slowly edged my hand from the net and put it in his own. "its okay." He said softly, and then he told me to hold his wrist and we climbed to the top together. I couldn't help seeing Alexis glare at me as we reached the top, where I was greeted by holly smiling and comforting face. Next we were told to take one of the boxes that had been dragged up the net in a sack and set what looked to be like small bombs up around the top courtyard, which according to Blake would be our new home for a little while. Once all the bombs were set up, we were each given a gun, and told to try and relax, as if that would happen. All the time strange things were giong through my mind.
This has happened before, has it, how do I know…why do I feel like history is repeating itself. Then a strange thought came over my mind and I turned to holly. " I would want to buy this anime series." Then she gave me a puzzled look, then a nod and I again felt that this was not my place. Then Blake came over and stood in the middle of everyone.

"I believe they will not get us….don't worry you are all safe."
I felt something inside me, fear well up and threaten to come out as tears, I sat by myself, just staring at the ground for a while after that, when I felt a tap from beside me and turned to see Aaron disappear.
Shocked and afriad I walked over to where Blake was standing, passing the turning heads as i pushed past my friends,fell into blakes arms and said. "I don’t' feel very safe anymore…"